Pictured at top: Aglow (2017), photo by Justin Lavesque
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Enliven Portland’s cultural landscape through public art and gain valuable recognition for your company by becoming a member of the TEMPOart Business Council. Seize the opportunity to engage with thousands of residents and visitors in our vibrant community by joining the TEMPOart Business Council today!
Recommend a grant from your donor advised fund
A donor-advised fund (DAF) provides donors with a centralized charitable giving vehicle. Through a donor-advised fund, you can allocate a charitable gift each year and take an immediate tax deduction. Commonly used donor-advised funds include Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, Vanguard Charitable, National Philanthropic Trust, and BNY Mellon, among many others. Recommend a gift to TEMPOart or contact Jessica Muise at manager@tempoartmaine.org with any questions.
Donate through a Corporate/Employer Matching Gift Program
Many companies and employers have matching-gift programs, doubling (or in some cases even tripling) donations their employees make to a favorite charity. TEMPOart, a non-profit arts center, is a 501(c)(3) organization and eligible for matching gift contributions. Download Information Sheet for Employer Donor/Volunteer Matching Programs:
If you or your employer have any questions, please contact Jessica Muise at manager@tempoartmaine.org.