Enliven Portland’s cultural landscape through public art and gain valuable recognition for your company by becoming a member of the TEMPOart Business Council. Seize the opportunity to engage with thousands of residents and visitors in our vibrant community by joining the TEMPOart Business Council today!
TEMPOart Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
Small Business – $250
Less than 15 FTE
Support TEMPOart’s staff and administration. Small Business Supporters receive:
- Two complimentary tickets to TEMPOart’s annual Catalyst Event.
- Recognition on signage at the Catalyst Event and on TEMPOart’s website throughout the year.
Corporate Supporter – $500
Cover TEMPOart’s ongoing expenses for staff and administration. Corporate Supporters receive:
- Two complimentary tickets to TEMPOart’s annual Catalyst Event.
- Recognition on signage at the Catalyst Event and on TEMPOart’s website throughout the year.
Event Sponsor – $1000
Support special events that build community. Program Sponsors receive:
- Recognition on signage and during the welcoming speech at the Catalyst Event.
- Inclusion in marketing and publicity materials related to that event.
- Four complimentary tickets to TEMPOart’s annual Catalyst Event.
- Recognition on TEMPOart’s website throughout the year.
Shape the Arts. Impact the Community. Join TEMPOart Business Council today!
Project Sponsor – $5000
Cover direct costs of TEMPOart’s primary public art project. Project Sponsors receive:
- Recognition on signage at the project site, located on a trail and park with 250,000 annual visits.
- Inclusion in marketing materials announcing and publicizing the project.
- Four complimentary tickets to TEMPOart’s annual Catalyst Event.
- Recognition on signage and during the welcoming speech at the Catalyst Event.
- Year-round recognition on TEMPOart’s website.
- Exclusive invitations for participation in public events, including the project opening in June.
Contact: [email protected]

TEMPOart Sponsorship Sign-Up
A printable Sponsorship Agreement form is also available and can be submitted via mail to TEMPOart, PO Box 4101 Portland, ME 04101.