Catalyst 2025

Thursday, April 3
5:30 to 7:30 pm

General Admission: $75

TEMPOart invites you to celebrate the 2025 commission, Gillian Christy’s Winged Kelp. The evening will include a sneak peek of the artwork, an opportunity to meet the artist, and a very special musical performance.

Being on the Host Committee means so much to TEMPOart!

Host Committee tickets are $150 for individuals, $300 for couples, and $500 for couples with the gift of 2 community artist tickets. Host Committee members are listed in our invitation and program. All attendees will receive one drink ticket and light bites.

2025 Host Committee
Meg and Rob Adams
Justin and Rachael Alfond
Carrie and Ben Alsup
Charlton and Eleanor Ames
Campbell Badger
Mitra Battan and Richard Royal
Chris Beneman
Braden Buehler and Jessica Simmons
Barbara and Bill Burgess
Tom and Kate Chappell
John and Linda Coleman
Susan Conley
Sara Crisp and Gregg Lipton
Sarah Daignault
Tanuja Desai Hidier and Bernard Hidier
David & Jil Eaton
Kerry Eielson Fanning
Taffy Field
Kate Fox and Dimitri Stancioff
Eugenie Francine
Jennifer and Tal Franklin
Ed Gardner
Alison Gibbs and Loren Kessel
E Kent Gordon and Jess Lauren Lipton
Betsy Griffin and Dustin McClelland
Cyrus Hagge and Jessica Tomlinson
Corina & Mark Hankowski
Andrea Hanson
Alison Hildreth
Lissa Hunter and Kirby Pilcher
Bill and Debbie Kelton
Cricket King and Angus King III
Caitlin Kirby
Celine and Chris Kuhn
Pandora and David LaCasse
Sue and Tom Lambe
Mary Allen Lindemann and James Hoban
Laura and Matt McDermit
DeCourcy McIntosh
Margaret Morfit
Manny Morgan
Marjorie Moore
Renee Nicholas
Charlotte Phillips
Anne and Harry Pringle
Peter and Pamela Plumb
Sonia Robertson
Mac and Sue Rogers
Sarah Russell and Joseph Reynolds
Ellen Seidman
Lynn and Jim Shaffer
Michael Smith
Alice and Dick Spencer
Yemaya and Lucas St. Clair
Dodo and Paul Stevens
Ann and David Swardlick
Caroline Teschke
Nat Thompson
Sharon Townshend
Kristin and Warren Valdmanis
Desi Van Til
Caron Zand