TEMPOart helps USM’s Art Department “Dream Big”

On February 15, 2024 TEMPOart participated in a dynamic discussion at the University of Southern Maine (USM), where collaboration was the focal point. Faculty and staff from USM’s Art Department, along with representatives from leading arts organizations across Greater Portland, came together to envision the future of visual arts at the university. Led by professors Hannah Barnes and Kelly Hrenko, the gathering aimed to chart a path towards increased community engagement, innovative curricular offerings, and signature programs within the Art Department.

One exciting development on the horizon is the upcoming opening of the Crewe Center for the Arts, scheduled for fall 2025. This state-of-the-art facility will feature an art gallery, sculpture garden, and visual arts studio, serving as a hub for creativity and expression. With the addition of the Kate Cheney Chappell ’83 Center for Book Arts, the Crewe Center promises to be a dynamic space for artistic exploration and collaboration.

During the discussion at USM, participants brainstormed ideas for community engagement initiatives at the Crewe Center. From collaborative art exhibitions to workshops and artist-in-residency programs, the possibilities are endless. As TEMPOart looks ahead, it is committed to forging partnerships with educational and cultural institutions like USM to expand access to the arts and create enriching experiences for people of all ages. As the campus expands, there are more opportunities for public art installations on the grounds. When TEMPOart commissions and hosts artists, we share that resource with USM’s faculty and students.

TEMPOart’s involvement in the conversation at USM underscores its dedication to fostering collaboration, creativity, and community engagement. By harnessing the power of public art and forging meaningful partnerships, TEMPOart continues to inspire individuals, provoke thought, and transform public spaces into vibrant canvases of expression. As we look towards the future, let us embrace the vision of TEMPOart and continue to dream big together.

TEMPOart Founder Alice Spencer, Board Secretary and USM Faculty Alum Sharon Townshend, and Interim Executive Director Jessica Muise participated in a facilitated discussion with USM Art Department to help the institution “dream big” for the local arts ecosystem. Photo courtesy of USM.