For Immediate Release: January 14, 2024, 10:00 a.m. ET
CONTACT: Allison Hill, [email protected], 202-682-5037
National Endowment for the Arts Supports the Arts with
Nearly $36.8 Million in Funding Nationwide
Washington, DC—The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is pleased to announce 1,474 awards totaling $36,790,500 to support the arts in communities in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington, DC. Funding for organizations is recommended in the categories of Grants for Arts Projects, Challenge America, Research Grants in the Arts, and Research Labs, and for individuals through Literature Fellowships in creative writing and for translation projects.
“The NEA is proud to continue our nearly 60 years of supporting the efforts of organizations and artists that help to shape our country’s vibrant arts sector and communities of all types across our nation,” said NEA Chair Maria Rosario Jackson, PhD. “It is inspiring to see the wide range of creative projects taking place—those that address our past and help us consider our future, integrate arts and culture in new ways into our lives and communities, and provide powerful opportunities for people throughout our nation to come together through a shared arts experience.”
- View a state-by-state listings of the grants announced in this release.
- View a listing of awards by discipline / grant category
- All current grants and additional project details can be viewed through the recent grant search
Challenge America
Challenge America grants are awarded in all artistic disciplines and offer support primarily to small organizations for a wide variety of arts projects that extend the reach of the arts underserved groups and communities that may have limited access to the arts relative to geography, ethnicity, economic status, and/or disability. This includes communities that have limited grant funding opportunities and/or have been underserved by national arts funding; small organizations that may face barriers to accessing grant funding; and organizations that may benefit from enhanced technical assistance resources. This program is often an entry point for organizations that are new to applying for federal funding.
The National Endowment for the Arts reviewed 563 eligible applications for Challenge America funding this year, which were submitted in April 2024, and will award 272 grants for a total of $2,720,000. Each grant is for $10,000 and requires a minimum $10,000 cost share/match.
TEMPOart is thrilled to be recommended for a $10,000 Challenge America Grant to support our upcoming temporary public art commission at City of Portland’s City Hall Plaza to open in June 2025.
The next Challenge America application deadline is Thursday, April 24, 2025. Visit for guidelines and application resources and register for the FY26 Challenge America guidelines webinar on Wednesday, February 27, 2024, from 3:00–4:00 p.m. ET.