TEMPOart at Portland Chamber’s Kegs & Issues

Join TEMPOart at Kegs & Issues
Wednesday January 31, 4:30-6:30PM at AURA

Don’t miss the January Kegs & Issues as the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce welcomes @tempomaine Portland Executive Director Jessica Muise to discuss their mission of “creating art that sparks dialogue, builds community, and inspires our collective imagination”.

Through their public art installations, which feature no cost or need for instructions, TEMPOart works to create vibrant and inclusive communities with an appreciation for art, each other, and the beautiful place we call home.
These temporary (1-2 year) art instillations give artists the chance to let their work speak, while transforming public spaces into centers of wonder, discussion, and deeper thought about the world we share. We hope to see you there!

For registration please visit: